
Get in Tune With the Moon

Get in Tune With the Moon Jess

The modern age has led us to believe that we are better than nature.We have calendars that help us count the days and clocks to tell time for us.There is just one problem with that: it’s incorrect.How is it that our months have different numbers of days?Or that we have to adjust our calendar every four years to make up for our current systems inadequacies?

These are simple issues that all lead back to our ancestors and how their primeval ways were sometimes more advanced than our own.Humans of the past followed the moon’s cycle, a simple and natural way to connect with our planet and its time.

Following the moon’s cycle can help people to better understand their own internal clocks, especially women.There is a reason that the female body has a twenty-eight day cycle, and that females have such a pa*sionate range of emotions.

The moon has much more power over us than a lot of people seem to believe.But we Pagans have a leg up on most people in that department.We acknowledge the moon and its stages along with the Goddess.So how much do we really connect with our beliefs in that regard?The moon helps women’s bodies change, sways our emotions, and even allows us to experience more enlightenment when the time is right.

No one can argue against the moon’s connection with women’s bodies.We wax and wane along with this bright beacon in the night’s sky.At our fullest we are fertile and I have met many a man who finds women more attractive during this time.It’s only natural.

Unfortunately, nowadays many women take oral contraceptives.And with good reason, of course.The world is overpopulated, and having a child is a big responsibility.But by masking our natural connection with the moon, women hinder the bonds with the Mother Goddess.That makes it harder to feel at peace with oneself.

My husband and I learned this when I stopped taking birth control pills to conceive our first child.Since then I have been much more in tune with my body, nature, and the Gods.After my daughter was born, I did the natural thing and breastfed her.While doing so I did not have my cycle.Its nature’s way of allowing your current baby the nourishment and care it needs.
Now that my daughter is a toddler and weaned, I do not wish to get back on any form of hormonal birth control.Since I have been off of the pill I have had less mood swings, and am much more in tune with my body.And there are so many other options of non-hormonal birth control.

Our hormones drive us to do what is natural, especially women.So when healthy women are taking unnatural doses of these chemicals to keep from getting pregnant, they alter their natural behaviors.This is not to say that I am against birth control in any way, but I have found that there are so many options out there that hormonal options are not always best.

Now that I am no longer on the pill I feel more connected to my body, and have found that following the moon’s cycle prepares me for what is coming next.I am more aware of when my mood may be more sensitive than others.And my husband is thankful that he can follow the moon in order to better understand how I may be feeling.

Next, there is no doubt that people have more energy when the moon is waxing, and that surge of energy is often able to contribute to success as opposed to the new moon stage, when a lot of people often feel drained or downtrodden.

I call this nature’s way of forcing us to slow down and take it easy.But many people fight these feelings in our fast paced society, creating adverse effects like depression or anger issues.A lot of us experience pressure to do better in the workplace or at school.But you cannot do more when you are feeling like less of a person.

Then there is the last and most intriguing of the moon’s direct effect on people.When we adhere to the moon’s cycle, it is possible to reach higher heights.Certain meditations are best done at specific days and times that coincide with the moon’s stage that best suits the practice.
This is where the gods come in.Being that the moon represents the Goddess and the sun represents the God, these spiritual high times are when the presence of the gods can be felt at a stronger and more intimate level.Nature is our direct link to the gods.

And nature’s clock is the sun and the moon; there is no sleep button, no loud buzzing alarm to set.Taking the time to listen to the moon and perform rituals and spells accordingly will help your practices be more effective.This is also more helpful in finding enlightenment or even simple piece of mind.

The full moon has always been the greatest time to have an out of body experience for myself.And when mastered, a knowledgeable spirit can glance into the Summerlands.There is so much more to life than what the technological world offers.Sure technology is great if used as just another tool, but the natural world is much more substantial.

Connecting with nature and understanding the moon helps people to live better lives.It allows us to be more conscious of the world around us and inside of us, just as following the sun helps people to draw on the elements.And by following the different stages of the moon, humans can better understand each other.

Men can better understand why women may be a bit more emotional during certain times and to be more understanding when emotions run a bit hot.Whereas women can be more in tune with their bodies, their emotions, and we can all experience more enlightenment.Following the moon’s cycle helps people to have a better grasp on the world around them.You don’t need a computer to tell you that.

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