
Q&A: Question about hospitals and medical proxies?

Q&A: Question about hospitals and medical proxies?
medical mistakes
by Enokson

Months back an illness landed me in the hospital.Four days after being admitted I was placed in a medically induced coma.On day two of my hospitalization I was informed that my illness was getting worse and that they needed to transfer me to ICU and further explained that if my breathing and O2 level continued to drop I would need to be sedated and intubated.At that time I requested to sign a medical proxy a*signing my fiance the ability to make medical decisions when I got to the point that I no longer could make them for myself.I was in and out of it over the next two days and on day four knocked me out and never brought me the proxy forms.As a result my next legal relative made the decisions, someone i did NOT want making my medical decisions.

Luckily I got better and no mistakes were made but its now months later I am still infuriated that my wishes were not followed because the hospital "forgot to have me sign" after my request.Is there anything I can do about this?
Im 29 years old, 28 when I was ill and had never even been in a hospital as a patient for anything prior to that so a proxy was not something of a priority prior to getting sick.But after I got sick I requested one and my request was ignored for two days and time ran out.
No im not looking for a lawsuit ...I want to file a complaint and have someone acknowledge and do something about the screw up so it doesnt happen to someone else...because next time a wrong decision could be made and thats when the lawsuits start.House825 If you are in the US, and are 18, you should create a healthcare power of attorney which will state legally who makes your decisions, and you can name a couple of backups also in the same legal document (in case the first person is not available). Take that with you whenever you have to go to the hospital.

If you are well now, I wouldn't sue the hospital, if that's what you meant.

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