
what is the best birth control for acne?

what is the best birth control for acne?
what is the best birth control for acne?
i am 21 years old with moderate acne and my doctor had me on an antibiotic (doxycycline hyclate).i didn't really want to be on an antibiotic long term, so i switched to an oral contraceptive.my doctor put me on yaz (about a month ago) and since then, my acne has gotten a lot worse.what birth control has the best results with treating acne?do i just need to wait longer for the yaz to work?

Answer by happyvampirebat
My doctor perscribed me occella when I was dealing with acnea.It didn't help much, so I had to go on acutane.

Answer by Dr Frank
Yaz (Yasmin) does not unfortunately work for everyone.Dianette however, the other possible option is best avoided.I would generalise that I am unhappy about any long term use of Dianette.There have been risk benefit concerns about its use for many years.These MUST at least be explained to any patient using it, in order that they can give informed consent that they still wish to take the drug.

The problem is that Dianette quadruples the risk of DVT, leg clots, which may fire off into the lungs and produce fatal emboli.


Also you need to be aware it only has a short use licence:

"Complete remission of acne is to be expected in nearly all cases, often within a few months, but in particularly severe cases treatment for longer may be necessary before the full benefit is seen.It is recommended that treatment be withdrawn 3 to 4 cycles after the indicated condition(s) has/have completely resolved and that Dianette is not continued solely to provide oral contraception.Repeat courses of Dianette may be given if the androgen-dependent condition(s) recur."

Answer by nostalgic_darkness
I'm on trisprintec which is like a generic version.And like any acne medicine it gets worse before it gets better.You have to let it run it's course and get your body used to it.

Answer by Giggles
I'm not sure, but I do know DONT get Implanon, because it is the worst for acne, and weigh gain....it is the worst ever...

Answer by shy
I have the same problem but, was put on different meds.Erythromycin works very very well for acne.I'm with you though, I don't want to be taking antibiotics long term.So my Dr prescribed me Ortho Tri Cyclen and has worked well for me.FYI....your acne sometimes gets worse before it gets better and you must be patient, it is a long process and takes anywhere from 1-6months to heal completely depending on severity.Normally if you don't see ANY improvement after a month or 2 max, then whatever meds you are taking(oral or topical) it's isn't going to work for you.Remember, EVERYONE is an individual, so if something works for me, it might not necessarily work for you and vise versa.All you can really do it just keep trying something until you find what you like and works best for your skin.Hope this helped and I wish you the best.

One more thing....drink plenty of water to help flush toxins out of the body.Regular exercise is known to help with acne as well.

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