

AMERICA MIGHT DETERIORATE TO THE MISERABLE LEVEL OF GREECE! were obligated to pay for it.Imagine watching this neighbor throw drunken
parties, buy expensive cars, add more rooms to the house, and hire dozens of
people to wait on him hand and foot.Imagine that he also managed to take out
several credit cards in your name.obtain another credit card, then another and then another.Each time, this
neighbor would claim that he needed the new credit card to pay interest on the
other maxed out credit cards.

If he defaulted on those cards, your credit score would be hurt and when you
wanted to buy something for yourself, it would be more difficult to get a loan
and the interest you paid would be higher.Imagine that you mulled this over,
and time after time, said nothing as he filled out more credit applications so
he would not have to default on the other debt taken out in your name.

Meanwhile, another shiny new Mercedes appears in his driveway.At what point do
you think you might get tired of this game?And, even though you are left with
no really good options, do you think you might eventually tell him to go ahead
and default, just stop spending your money!government and the debt ceiling.The government has run up a huge debt in the
name of the American people, who are sick and tired of being on the hook for it.
There are no really good options left.Defaulting on a portion of the debt may
not be without costs, but it is better than handing the government yet another
credit card.

Ron Paul notes the government is using the usual scare tactics to strong-arm the
people into going along with more spending.Remember the rhetoric surrounding
the big bailout of October 2008? We were told, not that this would be calamitous
for the banks, but for the people, who would continue to experience ma*sive job
losses and foreclosures. We were told that the economy would sink into a deep
recession if this money was not handed out to too-big-to-fail corporate cronies.

So, after much hand-wringing, leaders from both parties, against unprecedented
public outcry, agreed to shower money on the banks and increase the debt.The
banks learned nothing, except that Washington will come to their rescue, no
matter what.The people, however, continued to lose their jobs and houses
anyway, and here we are, still in a deep recession.

When you read the above example, your first reaction might have been to dismiss
the neighbor's debt as illegitimate and in no way your responsibility or your
problem.You would be right.No fair-minded legal system would hold you
responsible for such a debt, and would instead cart your thieving neighbor off
to jail.

Yet Congress can impose liabilities on you, your children, and grandchildren
without your consent, and even without your knowledge.This is another example
of government holding itself above the law.Much like the TSA claims the right
to molest us, yet arrested a woman who turned the tables last week, stealing
somehow becomes legitimate when the government does it.

We supposedly live in a nation of laws.For once, government needs to heed the
law regarding the debt ceiling.Otherwise, America might deteriorate to the
miserable level of Greece.The Greek government, October-18 Mafia, is the enemy
of the Greek people.Atlas shrugged in marilizardist Graecokleptocracy.It's
impossible for Greeks to produce when marilizardist Graecokleptocrats loot them
with heavy taxes, especially the 23% VAT, demand kickbacks, confiscate computers
and personal files, impose stupid laws and regulations, hara*s dissident
bloggers, condone cybercop brutality, and spread the cancer of socialism.

The impunity of the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma
Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though Graecokleptocrats
looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single
Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail!They are protected by the parliamentary
immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what.Moreover, they have the
nerve to jail dissident bloggers.It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of
Leonidas!Allons enfants de la Grece!marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens.Marilizard Libel is accusing
dissident bloggers of treason, Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against
innocent people, Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a
blogger, and marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers.October 18 is the
international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the
marilizardist government of Greece.

Marilizardists use charge stacking, which is the ability to charge a large
number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct, building a
Marilizard Tower of charges.This is the most disgusting tool used by the
freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers. Combining crimes
enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct
at all.By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the
threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the
government's case is weak.go straight, but nobody believes him anymore!Papandreou did not keep his
promise to abolish sinecures, government ownership, kleptocracy, Kangaroo
Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard

[xeefun] L'Ermitage Beverly Hills Hotel Los Angeles California

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