Program Design
Becoming a competitive bodybuilder begins with building lean muscle.The amount of exercise volume and repetitions play a vital role in your muscular development.The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends using three to four sets of eight to 12 repetitions per exercise to promote muscular hypertrophy or growth.The academy further suggests using work loads of 70 percent to 85 percent of your one rep maximum.The one rep maximum refers to the most weight you can lift for one repetition.
Beginner Plan
New bodybuilders should follow a three day a week split routine consisting of total body compound exercises.Compound exercises recruit multiple muscle groups, which allows for heavier lifts and greater overall muscular development.Using three training days per week allows the beginning bodybuilder to properly recover from the new workouts.An example of a beginning workout includes the bench press, squat, deadlift, lat pulldowns, and shoulder presses.A beginning bodybuilder should advance her training after completing 12 weeks of a beginner training plan.
Advanced Plan
Once you have experienced muscular gains and increases in strength, your training should advance to support continual progress.Increasing the frequency of your workout days offers the progressing bodybuilder a method for reaching new goals.Advance from your original three days a week full body plan to a five or six day a week training program that focuses on one or two body parts daily.For example, a Monday workout could focus on chest and back and a Tuesday workout could be devoted to the legs and shoulders.Your training schedule should never target the same muscle group two days in a row.
A bodybuilder should always place higher priority on proper exercise form than using heavier weight.Proper exercise form reduces your risk of injury and more importantly, increases muscular development.Obtain the a*sistance of a fitness professional if you are unsure how to perform a certain exercise.
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